Passionate About Our Environment

A Few Words About Us

As 2020 developed I ended up in a position where I had the time to look into things which i'm passionate about (as many of us have), and from what I found, or rather what I didn’t find, I decided to start my own brand, focusing on Recycled, Sustainable and Organic clothing.

Live beyond...

Casual SUP & Boardwear

Mark scaled

Hi I'm Mark (aka Shorty),

I have been blessed that I’ve always lived by the sea, so have a passion for anything where I’m in, or on the water. I’m married to Jill and have 2 amazing boys, and I enjoy nothing more than being out on our paddleboards together.
The reason ShoreTees SUP & Boardwear came about is that for a while, I’ve struggled to find clothing which I believe is original and more importantly, that I believe supports our oceans. Throughout 2020 (as many of us have), I ended up in a position where I had the time to look into things which I am passionate about, and from what I found, or rather what I didn’t find, I decided to start my own brand, focusing on recycled, sustainable and organic clothing.
I also have a love of design, so I decided to draw (no pun intended ‘wink wink’), upon my love of art and graphic design, with the sole aim of bringing originality to my brand, which I hope you will love as much as I do. For my family and I, this is a lifestyle and a commitment to the future of our boys that we will do whatever we can to ensure our oceans (and environment), can still thrive.



Rather than me explain our tagline, I believe whole heartedly that it is literally whatever it means to you. When I began this, I asked my son what ‘Live Beyond’ meant to him, his response was that for him, it meant exceeding what people believe you can do, and being the person you really want to be.

I honestly couldn’t have said it any better myself, so over to you.....

Why 'Salvage'?

‘Products carrying the Salvage symbol, are made from 100% recycled materials’

The producers salvage the cuttings from organic cotton textile production, shred them and turn them back into soft cotton fibres. They then add fibres made from locally recycled plastic bottles to obtain the cotton and polyester blend. They then spin the blended fibres into fine yarn to make fabrics. Finally, finishing the production with care to create a high- quality product. Salvage labelled products are certified under the Global Recycle Standard (GRS)and the Organic Content Standard (OCS) by the Control Union Certifications. Licence number CU828402.

Recycled, Sustainable Casual SUP & Boardwear!

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